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Discussion on: AMA with Heather Meeker, Open Source Licensing Expert (and Musician)

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Liana Felt

Hey Heather - Thank you so much for doing this!

Do you have any guiding principles founders can use to determine the correct licensing model?

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Heather Meeker

Arcane magic spell, or tarot cards? Just kidding. It's not too complicated.

If you are building a business, you have to figure out what you are selling -- and it can be anything but licenses to open source software, because they are free. But that's not so hard to figure out, because people don't really buy source code rights, they buy products. So, the question is: what extra value are you creating, and who will buy it?

There are all sorts of options: complimentary software (open core), managed services, hardware, network platforms, professional services, support services, even product QA (like Red Hat). Here's a video with a deeper explanation for anyone who wants to learn more.

Thanks for the question!