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Discussion on: AMA with Nithya Ruff, Head of the Amazon Open Source Program (and home chef!)

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Nithya Ruff's article defines Governance this way: In short, governance is the rules or customs by which projects decide who gets to do what or is supposed to do what, how they're supposed to do it, and when. And it is about how work gets done, decisions made and issues resolved. Some large projects, projects at foundations etc. have often well documented governance models. And also a code of conduct for the community. I am a big fan of putting this together. There are good models one can learn from and some of the questions to ask are covered in the article on The standard can help develop the right questions and checklists to create governance but should let the project implement what works for them. It is not a bad idea to create some standards around what is good, transparent open source project governance. Precisely to help those of your clients starting projects for the first time.