Christian John is the Vice President of Business Development at Tier IV Inc., a deep-tech startup based in Japan that is dedicated to sharing technology for safe intelligent vehicles that will benefit all of society. Tier IV has led the development of Autoware, the world's first open-source software for autonomous driving, and applied Autoware in applications of last-mile driverless mobility and logistics. CJ is responsible for partner and customer engagements to evolve Autoware and provide turn-key solutions for commercialization of Autoware-based autonomous vehicles.
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This session will discuss how TierIV and the Autoware Foundation are working to enable Autonomous Driving based on Open Source Software
CJ’s introduction - 0:00
Introduction: Levels of Autonomy - 1:11
Some Examples of L4+ AV Applications - 2:22
Global Autonomous Vehicle Market - 4:47
AV Market Complexity - 5:45
What is Autoware? The first all-in-one open source software for autonomous driving - 8:14
Who is Tier IV? - 10:22
The Autoware Foundation - 14:59
Core Features of Autoware - 17:11
Autoware Ecosystem - 19:18
Tier IV Business Model Overview - 23:28
Enabling Intelligent Vehicles For Everyone - 25:23
Concluding remarks and contact - 26:15
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