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Cover image for OCS 2020 Breakout Speaker: Kapehe J
Joseph (JJ) Jacks for COSS Community

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OCS 2020 Breakout Speaker: Kapehe J

Kapehe J works at Sanity as a Developer Relations. Currently living in Las Vegas, Nevada, she enjoys hanging out with her 5 animals, working out, and watching anime.

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Building a developer community in a closed core project with open source components

Kapehe’s introduction and presentation topic: Building a developer community in a closed core project with open source components - 0:00

Overview of - 1:09

Open or closed: Either or? - 2:26

Closed core challenges - 3:48

Walking through Challenge #1: β€œI want to host this myself!” - 5:17

Walking through Challenge #2: The worry of content lock-in - 6:35

Walking through Challenge #3: β€œI’m not ready to commit to a service” - 7:45

Sanity’s open-source tools: Portable Text, GROQ, Mendoza, Sanity Studio - 9:49

Walking through - 11:05

Walking through GROQ query language - 11:48

Walking through Mendoza - 12:24

Walking through Sanity Studio - 13:01

So what’s next? Community ecosystem, and open-source development practices - 14:10

Community Ecosystem - 15:27

Concluding remarks and observations - 17:18

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